Fitness Business Builders
For Health and Wellness Professionals Who Want To Grow Their Business And Help More People

Email Marketing for Fitness Professionals

How To Get More Clients With Email Marketing

September 23, 20244 min read

recent study by the Direct Marketing Association showed that Email Marketing is still the best medium for increasing your revenue with an ROI (return on investment) of $42 earned for every $1 spent.

In this article, I’m going to show you the 3 simple steps you can follow to implement Email Marketing into your Health and Fitness Business and get at least 5-10 more clients in the next 30 days.

To Grow A Business You Need a Growth Mindset

The health and fitness industry faced significant challenges during the pandemic, with many businesses struggling to stay afloat. While circumstances seemed to improve at the beginning of 2022, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation contributed to increased living costs for families worldwide.

However, for self-employed personal trainers and small health and fitness business owners, there’s a silver lining: the opportunity to increase your income. With examples like Pure-Gym raising over $300 million in investments and Gold’s Gym being acquired for $100 million, it’s clear that the fitness industry still holds immense potential.

For most health and fitness businesses, just a few new clients per month can make a significant impact. Here’s how you can leverage email marketing to achieve that growth:

Step One: Build Your Database

The first thing you need to do to build your database is going through all your records and contacts.

If you’ve been in the Fitness Industry for a while, you’ll likely have way more contacts floating around than you think.

Go through all your old emails, text messages, payment records, and client inquiries, and get as much information as you possibly can.

Don’t half-ass this task. Really dig as deep as you can.

You’re going to want to open a Google Sheets or an Excel spreadsheet and build a list of all the contacts you have that have expressed interest in the service that you offer at some point over the years.

Three tips for fitness professionals to start email marketing

Step Two: Create Two Separate Offers

Offer One: Reactivation Campaign
This offer is designed to reactivate past clients and customers. Most Health and Wellness businesses massively underutilize this incredibly valuable opportunity. These are people who have already spent money with you in the past and if they had a good experience they are without a doubt the most likely to spend money with you again. 

For a successful Reactivation Campaign, you’ll want to focus on what’s new about your business since the last time they were there. Do you have any new equipment, a new product or service or new classes, etc? 

If you don’t have anything new, create something! Maybe you can launch some kind of group challenge for past clients like a 90-Day Bikini Body Challenge leading into summer for example. 

Offer Two: FITDO (Foot In The Door Offer)
This offer is for the prospects and leads and is designed solely to get them in the door if you have a brick-and-mortar business or on a call or into your sales funnel if you’re virtual. 

What can you offer them, that is simply too good to pass up? 

One example from a Martial Arts School I’ve consulted with is that they offered a Voucher for one week’s free group classes, plus a free 1:1 with one of their Black Belts and a free set of gloves, and a school T-Shirt. 

All in, this costs them about $30 to deliver the offer to each person that claims the voucher, but every person that signs up for ongoing classes is worth $120 a month, so they only need to convert 1 in 4 prospects to break even in month one. Everything from Month 2 onwards is all profit. 

One caveat is that you do need to know your numbers if what you’re delivering is going to cost you something! You need to know your conversion rates and AOV (Average Order Value) at the very least

Step Three: Send Some Emails!

You’ll now need to upload your database into an email autoresponder.

It’s against the law in most countries to send out mass marketing emails via your regular email service, you need to give your prospects the ability to unsubscribe if they want to.

There are dozens of different options available. We offer a unique email marketing platform in one of our companies, the WellPro App. Click Here To Learn More >>

Ideally, you’ll want to send between 3 & 5 emails that are specific to your offer spaced 1-2 days apart between each email.

If you’re not sure what to write, using a tool like Chat GPT can help get you started.

Email Marketing Tips for Fitness Professionals

By following these three simple steps, you can successfully integrate email marketing into your health and fitness business strategy, helping you gain new clients and achieve sustained growth.

Fitness Business Growth

Email Marketing
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Luke Sherrell

As the CEO of the Academy of Applied Movement Neurology (AMN Academy), Luke Sherrell has revolutionized the Health and Wellness industry, providing world-class education to thousands of students in over 70 countries. His unwavering dedication to excellence has positioned AMN Academy as a global frontrunner in health and wellness education. As Chief Investment Officer of LBS Holdings LLC, Luke expertly navigates the realm of investment, specializing in the growth and acquisition of small to medium health and wellness businesses. His strategic approach to business development has facilitated countless mergers and acquisitions, creating thriving enterprises in the wellness space. With a passion for empowering entrepreneurs, Luke founded the WellPro App – a groundbreaking software and coaching platform, tailored for health and wellness business owners. His innovative curriculum equips professionals with the tools and knowledge necessary to expand their businesses, serve more clients, and experience unparalleled freedom in their careers. Join Luke’s community and unlock your full potential in the dynamic world of health and wellness.

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